湖北省襄阳市 瑶山湖生态文化旅游区景观设计

发展定位: 以优质的自然生态资源为依托,以张继文化为主线与魂脉,以文化旅游产业为主体,通过保护优先、集约有序开发,构建景区 - 城镇 - 乡 村联动发展模式,将名人田园古镇旅游区打造成为集古镇休闲、文化体验、田园观光、养老度假、商务会议功能于一体的生态文化旅游区。 最终成为襄阳名人文化集大成者和襄阳文化旅游的新样...

湖北省襄阳市 瑶山湖生态文化旅游区规划设计 


以优质的自然生态资源为依托,以张继文化为主线与魂脉,以文化旅游产业为主体,通过保护优先、集约有序开发,构建景区 - 城镇 - 乡  村联动发展模式,将名人田园古镇旅游区打造成为集古镇休闲、文化体验、田园观光、养老度假、商务会议功能于一体的生态文化旅游区。  最终成为襄阳名人文化集大成者和襄阳文化旅游的新样板。

Development orientation:

Based on high quality natural ecological resources, in order to poetry culture as the main line and soul of arteries and veins, with cultural tourism industry  as the main body, through the orderly protection priority, intensive development, build the scenic area - urban - rural linkage development mode, the  celebrity rural town to forge a collection of ancient town tourism, leisure, cultural experience, rural tourism, pension vacation, business meeting function  in the integration of ecological culture tourist area. Finally, it becomes a new model of xiangyang celebrity culture and xiangyang culture tourism.
