Hasu Haus公寓,曼谷 / Shma

​Hasu Haus是一个公寓开发项目,位于Pra Kra Nong运河边的一个宁静街区中。在周边环境的映衬下,Hasu Haus景观项目旨在体现“与水而居”和“慢生活”的理念。









Bangkok 曼谷



Hasu Haus是一个公寓开发项目,位于Pra Kra Nong运河边的一个宁静街区中。在周边环境的映衬下,Hasu Haus景观项目旨在体现“与水而居”和“慢生活”的理念。设计师试图在整体景观设计中诠释“Baan Saun”(译为“家庭花园”)的传统泰式花园空间,其中采用游泳池与睡莲池无缝连接的泰式元素。热带植物沿着木板踏步环绕着水上庭院进行种植。整个庭院中还设有3个浮动的凉亭与“睡莲池”产生互动。在视觉和形态上水上庭院都与室外的露台相连,并可通达Pra Kra Nong运河旁的草坪。设计师保留了一些现有的树木以体现空间的场地精神,同时选择了一些新的植物品种,更好的与周围环境相融,如玫瑰苹果、芒果树、杰克果,而槟榔棕榈则沿着场地边界种植,水上庭院内部选用印度橡树、槟榔棕榈、香灰莉树等进行种植.

Hasu Haus is the condominium development situate amongst the tranquil neighborhood along Pra Kra Nong canal. As the surrounding environment context, the landscape feature of Hasu Haus project is designed to reflect the idea of “living with water” and “slow life”. The landscape concept is try to interpret the traditional Thai landscape space of “Baan Saun”( Home Garden) where composed of water lily pool which seamlessly connected with the swimming pool. The water court will be surrounded by rush tropical planting along with timber boardwalk. There are 3 floating pavilions interlocking with the “water lily pool”. The water court is also connected physically and visually to the outdoor terrace and function lawn next to the Pra Kra Nong canal. Some of the existing trees are kept to maintain the spirit of the place. New planting species/palate are well selected in order to blend in with the surrounding context of “บ้านสวน” such as Rose Apple, Mango Tree, Jack Fruit, Areca palm along the site parameter while the planting palate inside the water court are Indian Oak, Areca palm, Tembusu ,etc.


The “water lily pool” is designed to be a signature of the landscape space to create a reflective effect of the surrounding area. The water from to pool is overflowing along the pool edge to create a tranquil water sound effect. There are 2 nos. of feature trees (Indian Oak) locating within this pool to provide the nice focal point.

